Incident Unfolds in Hamburg, Germany Before Euro 2024 Qualifier

Incident Details

An unsettling incident unfolded in Hamburg, Germany, casting a shadow over the city's vibrant atmosphere just hours before a major event. Local police shot and injured a man who had attacked an officer with an axe and an incendiary device. The altercation took place in Hamburg's notorious Reeperbahn district, an area renowned for its nightlife and entertainment. The perpetrator threatened the police officers, prompting a rapid response from riot police dispatched to the scene. The attacker was neutralized using pepper spray and firearms. He was shot four times, but fortunately, no other injuries were reported. Authorities have yet to determine if the attacker was a soccer fan, and there is no current indication that the attack was related to the upcoming Euro 2024 qualifier match scheduled later that day. By approximately 12:30 p.m. local time, the area had been cleared, ensuring that the match, set to kick off at 3:00 p.m., could proceed as scheduled.

Impact on Euro 2024 Security

The incident brings into sharp focus the heightened security measures in place as Germany prepares to host Euro 2024. With an estimated 2.7 million fans expected to attend the games and an additional 12 million projected to visit fan zones, ensuring the safety of attendees is paramount. This incident took place just five miles from the Volksparkstadion, where the Euro 2024 qualifier was set to occur, though it did not affect the game's start time. Amidst the backdrop of fans, including a large contingent of Dutch supporters, preparing for the game, the quick and effective police response underscored the robustness of the existing security arrangements. The Reeperbahn district, known for its bustling nightlife, became a focal point of concern, but the timely intervention of the authorities ensured that the threat was quickly neutralized.

Security Measures Ahead

In the wake of the incident, it is likely that authorities will bolster security arrangements even further as a precautionary measure. While the police response demonstrated the effectiveness of current measures, the attack also highlighted ongoing risks and challenges that need to be addressed. Investigations are underway to understand the motive behind the attack and to assess any potential broader implications. The containment of the situation without any casualties, aside from the injured attacker, reflects the preparedness and coordination among the law enforcement agencies. As Euro 2024 approaches, such incidents serve as stark reminders of the importance of vigilance and readiness to respond to threats swiftly.


In the midst of the unfolding events, a sense of urgency and caution permeated the atmosphere. An official at the scene remarked, "At St. Pauli, there is currently a major police operation." This statement underscored the gravity of the situation in one of Hamburg's most dynamic districts. Further details were provided by another authority, who confirmed, "The attacker was injured and is currently receiving medical treatment." As investigations continue, the focus remains on understanding the full scope of the incident and ensuring that the safety of both local residents and visiting fans is maintained. The effective handling of the situation is a testament to the readiness of the local security forces, but it also emphasizes the need for ongoing vigilance as the Euro 2024 tournament draws closer.